Taishin Tower 1F Exhibition
  • Date 2013.07.01

Natural Series: Water Lily and Lotus by Li-Feng Lo

Natural Series: Water Lily and Lotus by Li-Feng Lo
Exhibition Dates: July 1st to August 9th, 2013

I like simplicity.
I learn forgiveness and kindness from nature;
I follow the alterations and changes of seasons;
I face the brightness and darkness of all things;
I accept the warmth and cruelty of life.

The work is inspired by my childhood experience as a girl growing up in the country. All the time spent in nature picking flowers, catching loaches and fishing frogs became a source of inspiration for me. My hometown in summer was a tapestry of blooming flowers where we could play freely. Years after I left my hometown, I thought of the simplicity of my childhood which has remained unchanged and then I realize what becomes different is my mind. My thoughts have become complicated. At midnight of a New Year's Eve several years ago, I met with my childhood playmates to see lotus buds opening at the beginning of a new year. The air had a mild scent of the flowers. Suddenly, I realized happiness is actually within reach. Now I’d like to share with you this simple happiness.

I like simplicity.
I like the lotus’ lingering mild scent;
I like the muddy environment which it grows in;
I like its round leaves for they are beautiful and poised;
I like its white seeds for they are simple and pure.

I love the flowers and leaves of the lotus. I clayed the shapes, covered them with earth tones and presented them in clusters. I love the porcelain pieces resembling the lotus. I brought them into the world of nature and photographed their involvement with time and nature. Now I am bringing them into a building and I hope people in the metropolis can record the pieces in their new journey into the city.  ----By Li-Feng Lo, 2013

Ceramic artist Li-Feng Lo had studied and worked overseas for years before she returned to Taiwan. Her journey to the world of ceramics began with a search of floral containers. Her creative philosophy aims to produce works as thin as glass and as light as feather. By experimenting with the limits of the material and thinking outside the box, she leads the audience to explore the ceramic world which coexists with nature. The Taishin Tower is now exhibiting her “Water Lily and Lotus,” which is one of her recent site-specific art installation of ceramics.

About Li-Feng Lo

Lo was born in Pingtung County, Taiwan in 1967. After years of working, she was presented with an opportunity to study overseas. With support from family and teachers, she went to the US to study art. Her main focus was on ceramic art and three-dimensional sculpture while also learning art installations with natural materials, inlays and glassblowing. She returned to Taiwan in 2009 after receiving her Doctor of Philosophy from the Art & Design Faculty at the Monash University in Australia. She currently lives in Taitung, Taiwan.