Taishin Arts Award 2003/04

Semi Selection Jury

To organize the Taishin Arts Award this year, the Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture invites scholars and experts in Taiwan, who have been closely following the development of the Taiwanese art scene to form the “Taishin Arts Award Observation Committee” to observe the exhibitions and performances throughout the year and provide art reviews. The observation committee is divided into the “Visual Arts” and the “Performing Arts” groups, and will make seasonal supplementary nominations to the nomination list produced by the nomination committee. By the end of the year, the observation committee will select the “Visual Arts” and the “Performing Arts” finalists for the final selection. 

One of the objectives of the Taishin Arts Award is to encourage and facilitate interdisciplinary exchange and interaction within the arts and cultural circles. The observation committee will proactively visit and view art exhibitions and performances of different fields to better understand the current developments of the Taiwanese art scene.

Visual Arts Award
Jui-jen SHIH

Lecturer, Art Department, National Hsinchu Teachers College

Juinhsien LEE

Associate Professor, Department of Architecture in Kao Yuan Junior College of Technology

Ping LIN

Associate Professor, Art Department, Tunghai University

Chi-ming LIN

Associate Professor, Art Education Department, National Taipei Formal College

Juiwen CHEN

Associate Professor, Art Department, National Kaohsiung Normal College

Taisung CHEN

Lecturer, Department of Commercial Design, Chung Yuan Christian University

Hai-ming HUANG

Curator, Critic and Professor, Department of Arts and Art Education, National Taipei Formal College

Performing Arts Award
Ying-bi CHIANG

Associate Professor, Dance Department of the Chinese Culture University

Ming-shan HU

Senior Choreographer

Han-jin CHEN

Associate Professor, Music Department of Soochow University

Yu-hui FU

Critic in Theater

Wu-lan HUANG

Editorial Writer, China Times

Jong-heng YANG

Former Editor in Chief, Poem Culture

Mei-ying YANG

Lecturer, Southern Taiwan University of Technology

Yu-ling CHAO

Associate Professor, Graduate School of Performing Arts

Wei-zi FAN

Chief of Chinese Music Department, Chinese Culture University

Yi-yun TSAI_

Senior Critic in Theater

Jian-ying LU

Chief Editor, Performing Art Reviews