  • 時間 2023.01.13-2023.02.18
  • 地點 台新金控大樓一樓大廳




展出地點│台新金控大樓一樓大廳(台北市仁愛路四段118號,每日9 am - 6 pm,年假無休,免費入場)




Minagawa Akira — TSUZUKU Clssical Connection

正在高雄市立美術館進行中的《minä perhonen/皆川明 つづく》特展,即日起在台新金控大樓舉辦《つづく經典串連》,展出八款minä perhonen的原創布料。


在台新金控一樓大廳的《つづく經典串連》,展出的原創布料,皆源自其經典設計「tambourine(鈴鼓)」,同時也是TSUZUKU展覽子題「實」的內容之一。tambourine 刺繡圖案由 25 個小巧的圓點組成一個柔和的圓圈。而每個圓點的形狀、彼此間距的不均等也造就了此款布料的特別之處。藉由無數個不同的圓點組成的圓圈,象徵著每個獨特個體與各自的不完美所交織而成的和諧。

展覽主題「經典串連」,代表著品牌背後永不過時且持續進化的美學。也藉由此次難得的機會,將原先未能呈現於高雄市立美術館的經典布料以延伸展的形式,串聯北高兩個展覽場域。由tambourine延伸、變化出在此展出的其餘7款設計。藉由不斷重複的圖樣,延伸出新的設計思維,minä perhonen 期望呈現一種全新的美學思維,並延續至你我的日常之中。

minä perhonen 是由日本設計師皆川明於 1995 年創立的時尚品牌。「minä」 在芬蘭語中有著「我」的含意,而perhonen 則代表著「蝴蝶」之意。皆川懷抱著 「至少延續百年的品牌」的遠大目標創立了minä perhonen。藉由設計與樂趣彼此間交互的作用,創造出「特別的日常服」,也期望讓mina perhonen的設計在世世代代間傳承與延續。

主辦單位|高雄市立美術館、minä perhonen、台新銀行文化藝術基金會


Taishin Bank X Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts  presents

Minagawa Akira — TSUZUKU Clssical Connection

Dates│2023.01.13-2023.02.18, 9am - 6pm

Venue│1st Floor Lobby of Taishin Holdings Building

TSUZUKU Clssical Connection is a joint exhibition of “minä perhonen/ minagawa akira TSUZUKU” Exhibition now showing in Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (KMFA) . 

TSUZUKU (つづくJapanese), has the meaning of continuing. The word represents the concept of continuity of the brand as well as the connotation of connection, linkage, joining hands and circulation, which conjures the image of creative energy generated by interaction of people and things. 

This exhibition presents 8 minä perhonen original fabrics that revolve around minä perhonen’s most significant design – tambourine – also one of the thematic contents in TSUZUKU exhibition at KMFA. The design- a circle of 25 small embroidered dots- are special for its natural unevenness that it’s not perfectly aligned -each one to be slightly different with one another- to make a bigger circle. It represents the concept of a peaceful harmony within each unique individual as well as the beauty of imperfections in life.

Entitled “Classic Connection”, this exhibition connotates the timeless but innovative aesthetic behind minä perhonen’s creation. Through this invaluable occasion, this exhibition connects the two venues, and presents the 8 original fabrics which could not be shown at KMFA. The other fabrics displayed here are derivation of tambourine design.By applying the same repeated pattern and evolving into another new concept of design, the brand hopes to present a new sensibility that will continue to be part of everyone’s daily life.

minä perhonen is a brand founded by Japanese designer Akira Minagawa in 1995. The brand name minä means “I” and perhonen means “butterfly” in Finnish language.Minagawa built this brand with a vision and aspiration that this brand would continue at least for 100 years. Through the interplay of design and joy, the brand has led the way to offer a special clothing that lives within everyday life, which will sustain and transcend generations onward.

OrganizersKaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (KMFA), minä perhonen,  Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture

Sponsor|Taishin Bank